- 論文の詳細を見る
1. The object of this study is to reveal the structure of the national forest in Cape Sata, and the surveys were carried out in Oct.1961 and Feb.1962. 2. The national forest of Cape Sata developing on the eastern slope of the cape which is protected from north west wind in winter, though often attacted by heavy typhoon in autumn, is a natural forest in which no disturbance has occured about a century past. 3. Brief description of the temperature and the rainfall from the data of the Sata lighthouse (66.5m above the sea level) is shown in Table 1-2,and the hythergraph is shown in Fig.1. 4. After close observation six strata were recognized in each forest. 5. For investigation two quadrats were located in the forest. Of two quadrats, one of which measuring 50m×40m was laid down in the forest faced in the direction of E.N.E. and the other quadrat of 50m×50m was laid down in the forest behind the Misaki Shrine, and two belt transects of 2m×20m. were chosen in each quadrat respectively, and the diameters of the breath height of all individual trees (above 2cm in diameter) belonging to the first (from 15m to 10m in height), second (from 10m to 5m in height) and third (from 5m to 3m in height) layers were estimated by callipers. The objects of the two belt transects were to obtain information with regard to the floristic composition, frequencies and cover degrees of all species belonging to the shrub (from 3m to 1m in height) and harbaceous layers (from 1m to 0.3m and under 0.3m in height). 6. For the estimation of frequency and cover degree the following scale was adopted. + One or two individuals. 1. Present in small number and cover the area less than 1/4 of the sample plot. 2. Present in more individuals, but cover the area less than 1/4 of the sample plot. 3. Cover the 1/2-1/4 area of the sample plot. 4. Cover the 1/2-3/4 area of the sample plot. 5. Cover the 3/4-1 area of the sample plot. 7. It became obvious from this surveys that the national forest faced in the direction of E.N.E. represents Schefflera octophylla (Elaeocarpus sylvestris)-Ardisia Sieboldii-Colysis pothifolia-Piper Kadsura sociation and the national forest behind the Misaki Shrine represents Ardisia Sieboldii (Cinnamomum japonicum)-Cinnamomum japonicum-Alpinia intermedia-Arachniodes pseudo-aristata sociation. Structural characteristics of the respective stratum of each forest are shown in Table 3-14. 8. Schefflera octophylla and Ardisia Sieboldii occurring abundantly in the forest of Cape Sata are essentially subtropical species widely distributed in the districts south of Isl. Yakushima and Isl. Tanegashima, Prov. Ohsumi, though they occur also in a limited number in the southern parts of the mainland of Kyusyu and Shikoku. 9. It is noteworthy that the national forest of Cape Sata is characterized by the luxuriant development of lianas and the occurrence of the subtropical elements, such as, Alangium premnifolium, Crataeva falcata, Erycibe Henryi, Maesa tenera, Cycas revoluta, Villebrunnea pedunculata, Alocasia macrorrhiza etc, some of which represent their northern limits of distribution in this Cape.
- 鹿児島大学の論文
- 1963-03-25
- 屋久島西南部におけるスギ天然林の群落構造について
- リュウキュマツ幼植物の日長反応について
- 徳之島の板根林について
- 稲尾岳東斜面の天然林の群落構造について
- 湯湾岳山頂附近の天然林の群落構造について
- 佐多岬国有林の群落構造について
- 南限地帯におけるブナ林について
- アカマツ, リュウキュウマツに対する低温処理効果(予報)
- アカマツ及びモドウマツ幼植物の針葉発出に対する初期短日効果
- 3.黒島の植物