- 論文の詳細を見る
1. The object of this study is to clarify the structure of the natural forest on the eastern slope of Mt. Inao, Prov. Osumi, southern Kyusyu, and the surveys were carried out in Aug. 1965. 2. The data of the temperature and rainfall of the district were cited from the data of Uchinoura meteorological station (5 m. above the sea level). 3. To effect the investigation, six quadrats of 25 m.×25 m. were located in the forest at different elevation. According to the height of the forest trees 4 to 6 strata were differentiated, and the volumes of all the trees up to 2 cm. in diameter at the breast height were measured. The belt transects of 2 m.×24 m. were located in each quadrat. The object of settling these belt transects is to obtain some information concerning the floristic composition, cover degrees and frequencies of all species belonging to the shrub and herbaceous layers. 4. From these studies it turned out obvious that the structure of the natural forest on the eastern slope of Mt. Inao was as follows : 800 m. above the sea level. Quercus acuta-Illicium anisatum-Ardisia japonica sociation. 700 m. above the sea level. Distylium racemosum-Illicium anisatum-Trachelospermum asiaticum sociation. 600 m. above the sea level. Distylium racemosum-Illicium anisatum-Damnacanthus indicus sociation. 500 m. above the sea level. Distylium racemosum-Camellia japonica-Damnacanthus indicus sociation. 400 m. above the sea level. Distylium racemosum-Symplocos prunifolia-Damnacanthus indicus sociation. 300 m. above the sea level. Castanopsis Sieboldii-Lithocarpus edulis-Trachelospermum asiaticum sociation. Structural characteristics of the respective stratum of these forests are shown in Table 5-19. 5. The trees on the ridge exposed to the wind at about 800 m. above the sea level grow scrubby forming a dense forest. The first stratum, at the same place, is dominated by Quercus acuta (49.8% in volume). The tree species of the temperate zone such as Pieris japonica, Tripterygium Doianum and Clethra barbinervis are observed to be growing, too. The first stratum at 700 m. above the sea level is dominated by Distylium racemosum (48.1% in volume), and the other tree species are Quercus salicina, Cleyera japonica etc. The second and the third stratum at the same place mostly consist of Illicium anisatum, Cleyera japonica and Eurya japonica. The fourth stratum mostly consists of Neolitsea sericea, Eurya japonica etc. The lowest stratum (forest floor) mostly consists of Trachelospermum asiaticum and of the seedling of tree species belonging to the upper strata. The first stratum at 600 m. above the sea level is dominated by Distylium racemosum (82% in volume), and the other tree species are very scanty. The second and the third stratum at the same place mostly consist of Illicium anisatum etc. The fourth stratum mostly consists of Symplocos myrtacea etc., and the lowest stratum (forest floor) is dominated by Damnacanthus indicus. The first stratum at 500 m. above the sea level is dominated by Distylium racemosum (46.8% in volume), and Quercus acuta grows in small number. The second and the third stratum at the same place mostly consist of Camellia japonica, Camellia Sasanqua etc. The fourth stratum mostly consists of Eurya japonica, Neolitsea sericea etc., and the lowest stratum (forest floor) mostly consists of Damnacanthus indicus, Trachelospermum asiaticum etc. The first stratum at 400 m. above the sea level mostly consists of Distylium racemosum (47% in volume), and the other tree species are Quercus salicina, Castanopsis Sieboldii etc. The second stratum at the same place mostly consists of Symplocos prunifolia and Quercus salicina. The third stratum mostly consists of Cleyera japonica, Camellia Sasanqua and Eurya japonica. The fourth stratum mostly consists of Eurya japonica, Camellia Sasanqua etc. The fifth stratum mostly consists of Myrsine seguinii, Distylium racemosum etc. The lowest stratum (forest floor) mostly consists of the seedlings of Podocarpus Nagi. The first stratum at 300 m. above the sea level is dominated by Castanopsis Sieboldii (84% in volume), and the second and the third stratum mostly consist of Lithocarpus edulis and Quercus salicina. The fourth and fifth stratum at the same place mostly consist of Eurya japonica and Symplocos lucida. The lowest stratum (forest floor) mostly consists of Trachelospermum asiaticum, Rubus Sieboldii etc.
- 鹿児島大学の論文
- 1966-12-26
- 屋久島西南部におけるスギ天然林の群落構造について
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- 湯湾岳山頂附近の天然林の群落構造について
- 佐多岬国有林の群落構造について
- 南限地帯におけるブナ林について
- アカマツ, リュウキュウマツに対する低温処理効果(予報)
- アカマツ及びモドウマツ幼植物の針葉発出に対する初期短日効果
- 3.黒島の植物