- 論文の詳細を見る
1) The clarification of the structure of the natural Cryptomeria-stand in the west-southern part of Isl. Yakushima, Kyusyu is what is aimed in this study. 2) The citation of the data on the temperature and rainfall was made from those furnished by Kosugidani Working Station (640m above the sea-level). 3) To make the investigation more effective, the location of nine quadrats (each of them being 25m×25m) and of one quadrat (50m×50m) was made at different elevations in the forest. The differentiation of 5 to 6 strata was carried out according to the height of the forest-trees, with the measurement of all the trees upward of 2cm in diameter at the breast-height performed. In the respective quadrats were located nine belt-transects of 2m×24m and one belt-transect of 2m×50m. Acquisition of any informations concerning the floristic composition, cover degrees and frequencies of all the species belonging to the shrub and herbaceous layers was aimed in setting these belt-transects. 4) The structure of the natural Cryptomeria-stand in the west-southern part of Isl. Yakushima was made clarified by these studies with the following results obtained : At the district situated 1540m above the sea-level, the stand is represented by Cryptomeria japonica-Symplocos coreana-Sasa Owatarii sociation. At 900m-1300m above the sea-level, the stand is represented by I. Cryptomeria japonica-Trochodendron aralioides-Rhododendron Tashiroi sociation. II. Cryptomeria japonica-Trochodendron aralioides-Illicium anisatum sociation. In Table 4-7 are shown the structural characteristics of each of these forests. At the district situated about 900m-1300m above the sea-level, the natural Cryptomeria-stands in the west-southern part of Isl. Yakushima represent Cryptomeria japonica-Trochodendron aralioides association. Under the environment where the forest-floor is drained for better, Rhododendron Tashiroi appears abundantly in the lower layer of the forests. At the district above alt. 1500m, the Cryptomeria-stands represent Cryptomeria japonica-Sasa Owatarii association, with the middle layer composed of the tree species such as Symplocos coreana, Trochodendron aralioides, Cornus Kousa, Rhododendron Metternichii var.yakushimanum, Pieris japonica, Symplocos myrtacea, Eurya yakushimensis and Daphniphyllum macropodum, and the Cryptomeria is prone to become stunted by the winds.
- 鹿児島大学の論文
- 1968-02-15
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- 3.黒島の植物