A formal safety framework of component-based distributed railway interlocking system
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Component technology has been applied to developing a variety of systems, including real-time control systems. Component-based distributed railway interlocking system (CBDRIS) is a system applying component technology to developing railway signal control systems. The CBDRIS curtails development period and lowers the update cost of railway interlocking system, while a framework is necessary to ensure and verify the CBDRIS safety for such a safety-critical system. We propose a safety framework for CBDRIS which consists of dynamical process (Standardized control flow) and static process (basic data of a specific station model). Based on the framework and an example station, a unified Petri-net model of CBDRIS is established with GSPN (Generalized Stochastic Petri-Nets) and G-nets (Petri-nets extended with Object-oriented concept).
- 2006-10-19
Sato Kazutoshi
Railway Technical Res. Inst. Kokubunji
Nakamura Hideo
Computer Science Graduate Course Graduate School Of Science And Technology Nihon University
HEI Xinhong
College of Science and Technology, Nihon University
College of Science and Technology, Nihon University
College of Science and Technology, Nihon University
Railway Technical Research Institute
FUKUDA Mitsuyoshi
Railway Technical Research Institute
Computer Science Graduate Course, Graduate School of Science and Technology, Nihon University
Hei Xinhong
School Of Computer Science And Technology Xi'an University Of Technology
Takahashi Sei
College Of Science & Technology Nihon University
Nakamura Hideo
College Of Science & Technology Nihon University
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