人口密度変動特性から見た多摩田園都市における住宅宅地供給及び土地利用規制との関連性について : 土地区画整理事業の組み合わせによって作られた郊外住宅地計画に関する研究 その2
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The main findings of the study are summarised below. 1) In the target area of the Study, many districts show a unique population density curve of an "increment type" or a "wave type". It is understood that these curves originate from several causes, including (i) the supply of housing taking the form of "discretional supply" where individual landowners have the discretion to supply or not to supply them and (ii) moderate land use regulations in these districts compared to the originally planned population density in that a number of wide areas have been uniformly designated as various non-low rise housing zones with less strict regulations on the purpose of land use. 2) Under the regime of the discretionary supply of housing, there has been the vigorous construction of private sector apartment houses of which the floor area ratio is increased to the permitted maximum in pursuit of the maximum profit. This trend has been more prominent in those districts where the receptability to apartment houses is high due to fewer restrictions under the designated land use. This type of housing development has accelerated the process of producing a higher population density which has greatly diverted from the originally planned population density.
- 2006-11-30
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