Fundamental frequency estimation for noisy speech based on instantaneous amplitude and frequency
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 北陸先端科学技術大学院大学の論文
- 2005-03-28
Unoki Masashi
School of Information Science, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
Akagi Masato
School of Information Science, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
Akagi Masato
School Of Information Sci. Japan Advanced Inst. Of Sci. And Technol. (jaist) 1-1 Asahidai Nomi Ishik
Unoki Masashi
School Of Information Science Japan Advanced Institute Of Science And Technology
Ishimoto Yuichi
School of Information Science, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
石本 祐一
Ishimoto Yuichi
School Of Information Science Japan Advanced Institute Of Science And Technology
Akagi Masato
School Of Information Sci. Japan Advanced Inst. Of Sci. And Technol.
- A DOA estimation algorithm based on equalization-cancellation theory (応用音響)
- A study on the LP-based blind model in restoring bone-conducted speech (Speech) -- (国際ワークショップ"Asian workshop on speech science and technology")
- An LP-based blind restoration method for improving intelligibility of bone-conducted speech (音声)
- 「うん」と先行発話の音響的特徴による機能分類
- A flexible spectral modification method based on temporal decomposition and Gaussian mixture model
- メディアの協働効果実現に向けたオープンメディアリソース構築
- 「うん」と先行発話の音響的特徴による機能分類(聴覚・音声・言語とその障害,一般)
- A speech dereverberation method based on the MTF concept in power envelope restoration
- An improved method based on the MTF concept for restoring the power envelope from a reverberant signal
- A DOA estimation algorithm based on equalization-cancellation theory (応用音響)
- 時間情報と周波数情報を用いた実環境雑音下における基本周波数推定(聴覚・音声・言語とその障害)
- Effects of single-channel speech enhancement algorithms on Mandarin speech intelligibility (応用音響)
- Improvement of robustness using selective sound segregation for automatic speech recognition systems in noisy environments (Speech) -- (国際ワークショップ"Asian workshop on speech science and technology")
- Improvement of robustness using selective sound segregation for automatic speech recognition systems in noisy environments
- LP-baesd method of blind restoration to improve intelligibility of bone-conducted speech
- エントロピーによる重み付けを用いた雑音環境下での基本周波数推定
- A Noise Reduction System in Localized and Non-Localized Noise Environments
- Noise reduction method based on generalized subtractive beamformer
- Fundamental frequency estimation for noisy speech based on instantaneous amplitude and frequency
- Estimation of fundamental frequency of reverberant speech by utilizing complex cepstrum analysis
- A speech enhancement framework based on noise eigenspace projection (音声)
- Estimate of auditory filter shape using notched-noise masking for various signal frequencies
- 残響環境下でのロバストで正確なF0推定法の比較評価(福祉と知能・情動・認知障害,福祉と音声処理,一般)
- 残響環境下でのロバストで正確なF0推定法の比較評価(福祉と知能・情動・認知障害,福祉と音声処理,一般)
- 残響環境下でのロバストで正確なF0推定法の比較評価(福祉と知能・情動・認知障害,福祉と音声処理,一般)
- Comparative evaluation of modulation-transfer-function-based blind restoration of sub-band power envelopes of speech as a front-end processor for automatic speech recognition systems
- Sub-Band Temporal Envelope Restoration for ASR in Reverberation Environment (国際ワークショップ Frontiers in Speech and Hearing Research)
- A study on expressive speech and perception of semantic primitives: comparison between Taiwanese and Japanese (音声)
- A flexible temporal decomposition-based spectral modification method using asymmetric Gaussian mixture model (音声)
- A Study on Restoration of Bone-Conducted Speech with LPC-Based Model (国際ワークショップ Frontiers in Speech and Hearing Research)
- 「うん」の音響的系譜〜応答・承認・相槌の自動抽出に向けて〜
- A computational model of co-modulation masking release
- A method of signal extraction from noisy signal based on auditory scene analysis
- Modified Restricted Temporal Decomposition and Its Application to Low Rate Speech Coding
- Foreword to the special issue on "Applied Systems"
- Fundamental Frequency Estimation for Noisy Speech Using Entropy-Weighted Periodic and Harmonic Features
- 雑音が付加された音声の基本周波数推定と雑音抑圧
- Evaluations of TS-BASE for speech enhancement and binaural benefits preservation (応用音響)
- Adaptive β-order Generalized Spectral Subtraction for Speech Enhancement
- 残響音声からの基本周波数推定に関する検討
- 瞬時振幅の周期性・調波性を基にした相関係数統合による基本周波数推定
- 周期性雑音を含む音声に対する瞬時振幅を利用した基本周波数推定法
- 周期性と調波性を考慮した雑音環境における基本周波数推定法の改良
- 周期性と調波性を考慮した雑音環境における基本周波数推定
- 雑音中の音声基本周波数推定法の提案
- A Two-Microphone Noise Reduction Method in Highly Non-stationary Multiple-Noise-Source Environments
- 発話末要素の有無の韻律的予測
- A Hybrid Speech Emotion Recognition System Based on Spectral and Prosodic Features
- Adaptive equalization-cancellation model and its application to sound localization in noisy reverberant environments
- Study on Speech Watermarking Based on Modifications to LSFs for Tampering Detection
- Study on Speech Watermarking Based on Modifications to LSFs for Tampering Detection
- Study on Speech Watermarking Based on Modifications to LSFs for Tampering Detection
- Study on Blind Method of Estimating Speech Transmission Index from Noisy Reverberant Amplitude-Modulated-Signals
- Study on Semi-scramble Method for Speech Signals Based on Phonemic Restoration