N-nitrosobis(2-hydroxypropyl) amine によるハムスター膵の急性細胞障害と膵癌の発生
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Degeneration and necrotic changes in acinar and ductal cells of the Syrian Golden hamster pancreas following single large dose of N-nitrosobis (2-hydroxypropyl) amine (BHP) were studied histologically and electronmicroscopically with special reference to the target cell of BHP and BHP-carcinogenesis. Pycnotic changes were observed in acinar as well as ductal cells at light and electron microscopical level and regenerative changes followed the pycnotic changes. The degenerative changes at the electronmicroscopical level included vacuolation, autophagocytosis, nuclear alterations, etc. Chronic exposure to BHP induced inflammatory and atrophic changes of acinar cells leading to replacement with fat cells. The above evidences fabor the view that although both acinar and ductal cells can be a target of BHP, the predominant growing cells aquiring atypism in later stages were not acinar cells but ductal cells. This may mean that the regenerative cells cannot differentiate into acinar cells. No definite conclusion was drawn from the present results whether the growing duct-like cellsin "ductular complex" were derived from dedifferentiated acinar cells or centroacinar cells grown in response to death of acinar cells.
- 神戸大学の論文
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