- 論文の詳細を見る
We have examined whether ideas containing gender bias occur in Japanese and Korean language textbooks used throughout Japan. Our analysis show the presence of stereotypes linked to gender differences within these textbooks, mainly occurring in cut-in illustrations and text in the format of conversation dialogues. Among these, ideas which show a pre-established assumption of the gender of a person solely on the basis of the exercising occupation or performing role within a family home were especially common. Language school teachers should be aware of those biased ideas not only related to gender bias, but also associated with cultural differences as well. Moreover, we believe there is a further need for more appropriate teacher's training programs in order to encourage gender bias free thinking and avoid culturally induced misconceptions.
- 新潟大学の論文
- 複数大学の合同合宿による多文化ワークショップ(授業実践・教材開発)
- 日本語ボランティアよろず相談所(12)
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