建築設計と消防活動との関連 : ワールドトレードセンタービルの崩壊から学ぶもの
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Terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center (WTC) buildings and the consequence collapse of the buildings were far beyond both the imagination of architects and the presupposition of architecture-related laws. However, there are several important lessons for architectural design and fire fighting to be learnt from what happened after the terrorist attacks. First, with regard to architecture, the disaster induces usto rethink the importance of "redundancy" and the reinforcement of "shaft", and to give a careful consideration to the feasibility of all-floors evacuation. Secondly, the extent to which a fire brigade knows information on an individual building is of cardinal importance. Moreover, regular fire drills based upon that information are equally crucial. Thirdly, an emergency management system, including reliable devices and a back-up system for fire fighting, needs to be established. There is a tendency to make heroes of the fire fighters who were made of victims of the WTC collapse. However, as there is a possibility that the lack of fire drills, together with an inadequate emergency management system, amplified the scale of tragedy, we have to consider this event from this point of view.
- 2003-03-28
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