- 論文の詳細を見る
This study examined the effects of supportive and problematic intervention from family and friends on psychological stress. One hundred twenty-two undergraduates (42 males, 80 females, mean age = 20.07 years) completed the questionnares including stressor scales, supportive / problematic intervention scales (SPIS; which assess recieved supportive / problematic intervention from family and same sex friends when a person is under stress), and mental health scales (life satisfaction, depression, and anxiety). Factor analyses indicated SPIS consists of two factors (supportive intervention and problematic intervention), so that supportive intervention and problematic intervention can be considered as basically independent. Stressors and almost SPIS scales correlated significantly positive. Multiple regression analyses showed main effects of supportive intervention from family on life satisfaction, problematic intervention from family on depression, and problematic intervention from friends on life satisfaction and anxiety, even though controlling effects of stressor. However, after control main effects of stressor and SPIS, interaction effects didn't remained significantly. These results are interpreted as supporting main effects of interventions partially, but interaction effects of intervention (stress buffering and / or amplifying effects) were not supported. Implications for further researches were discussed.
- 静岡大学の論文
- 2002-01-31
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