ラディカル・ポリティックスの時代 : アンソニー・ギデンズのモダニティ論
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This paper aims to develop the macro-theory of modern society on the basis of Beyond Left and Right: The Future of Radical Politics published in 1994 by Anthony Giddens, who is a modern Brirish sociologist. I have tried to introduce the contents of his books, to make clear the positions in the system and development of his social theory, and to find some directions in developing the social theory. The book is his latest one. First, the contour of radical politics is introduced, and the theoretical construction is showed clearly. Radical politics is his social thought, which he regards as the new one beyond Left (socialism) and Right (conservatism). Second, by discussing the position of radical politics in his social theory, the significance of it is searched, and the systemness and possibilitis of his social theory are investigated. When we interpret that the concept of power is central one in his social theory, we can do so most effectively. Third, in relation to the radical politics, theoretical points at issue about the characteristics of powers are examined. The powers of states, movements, and individuals are transforming in the change of modernity.
- 1995-07-30
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