エコマップを活用した重度障害者の地域生活支援の方法 : 青葉園の場合
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The purpose of this article is to show the way to use an eco-map to support the lives of severely disabled people living in the community by researching social work practice in Aobaen. The eco-map is one of the diagrammatic assessment tools in social work. Aobaen is an institution for disabled people. The staff of Aobaen help disabled people to live in the community in many ways ; the eco-map was introduced as one of the ways to help them. This study identifies two elements in the way of using the eco-map in Aobaen. One is 'the development of a final form of an eco-map'. It is the process and means to develop an eco-map so as to show social resources of peculiar value to the disabled people of Aobaen. The other is 'trial of a final form of an eco-map', which is the process and means of exploring how to use the final form of the eco-map in helping living in the community. In the article, the author explains these two elements and other concepts and proposes implications for the way of using the eco map to support handicapped people living in the community.
- 甲南女子大学の論文
- 2004-03-18
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- エコマップを活用した重度障害者の地域生活支援の方法 : 青葉園の場合
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