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The purpose of this article is to clarify the philosophical issues in future social work research, those which should significantly impact on the formulating process of practice models. The concept of "research paradigms", first demonstrated by E. G. Cuba and Y. S. Lincoln in 1994, is applied for an analyzing framework. We clearly believe that this framework can expand the philosophical window that enables us to shed a light over the endless debate regarding controversial issues in social work research, such as "what is science?" "what is an objective?" and/or "what are the pros and cons in positivistic viewpoints?" The framework also provides crucial implications, such as 1) besides methodological considerations, social work research needs to be conducted in the light of an ontological as well as an epistemological foundation, and 2 ) it is time for social work researchers to accept multiple research paradigms in order to develop useful practice models. In Japanese social work settings, however, those implications have never been discussed. In terms of the critical review methodology, we propose several implications for the advancement of social work research that reflect a philosophical consistency regarding the ontological, epistemological, and methodological considerations.
- 関西学院大学の論文
- 2003-10-28
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