認知発達検査(自作)の試みII : 78事例に基づく統計的分析を通して
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The purpose of this study is to find features of a cognitive development test that was made by my own work. This development test(check list of cognitive level) was administered to 111 children with mental retardation, and the data of 78 children out of them were analyzed with the statistical methods. The main results were as follows : (1) There are four category groups that differed with solution of question level and qualities. (2) When the test categories are arranged on the score ranking, this arrangement of categories agree with the arrangement of the empirical learning programs for mental retardation. Based on these results, I was confident that my cognitive check list and learning programs are very useful. I expect to use them at schools for the mentally retarded.
- 2000-03-31
財部 盛久
Faculty of Education, Uni. of the Ryukyus
財部 盛久
Faculty Of Education Uni. Of The Ryukyus
与那覇 広次
Okinawa Prefectural Nago School for the Mentally Retarded
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- 認知発達検査(自作)の試みII : 78事例に基づく統計的分析を通して
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