吉野熊野国立公園成立史 : 自然保護と利用開発の確執を中心に
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This is another chapter of my thesis on the establishment of National Parks in Japan. The subject of this particular chapter is to examine the process of how the Yoshinokumano National Park was set up. The YoshinokumanoNational Park covers the mountain range spread across three prefectures: Nara, Wakayama, Mie, which are situated in Kii Peninsula, and its valley, and the coastline of Kumano. The centre of this area is the Yoshino Mountain Range and although forestry has been the main industry for many years,virgin forests remain untouched and it has been a place of natural beauty. As the modernization of forestry developed since the end of Meiji Era, some parts of the virgin forest of Yashino were cut down and the damage to the environment and the natural beauty had began. From the beginning of Taisho Era, the campaign to protect this virgin forest had started amongst the local citizens and the scholars. This movementintended to nominate this area a national park in order to protect the nature and a landscape. In Showa 3rd, well-known Doro-hacho Valley was named as a special natural treasure, so its scenery was out of danger from the development. However, a plan to develop an electric power plant in the area known as Okutoro, the interior of the valley, was raised in the Showa 5th. Home Office, National Park Association, and Association of Protection of Shiseki Meishou Tennenkinenbutu, all opposed to the plan. But the plan was not eradicated easily as The Ministry of Post and Telecom supported the electricity company. Moreover, companies involved in the forestry industry opposed to the National Park movement, as they feared that their industry would be ruined if Yoshino area was designated as a National Park. Home Office excluded the privately-owned land and in Showa 10th, it finally proceeded with the designation of a national park. Although the plan of the electric power station went ahead, the damage to theenvironment and scenery were restricted to the minimal.
- 法政大学の論文
- 2004-03-05
- イギリスにおける国立公園思想の形成(2) : 自然・風景の保護とレジャー的利用の確執に関する考察(大谷禎之介教授退任記念論文集)
- イギリスにおける国立公園思想の形成 (1) : 自然・風景の保護とレジャー的利用の確執に関する考察
- 吉野熊野国立公園成立史 : 自然保護と利用開発の確執を中心に
- 富士箱根国立公園の形成 (下) : 自然保護と開発利用の確執を中心に
- 富士箱根国立公園の形成(中) : 自然保護と開発利用の確執を中心に
- 富士箱根国立公園の形成(上) : 自然保護と開発利用の確執を中心に