- 論文の詳細を見る
At present, it is still under question whether or not lifestyle related illnesses shorten the healthy lives of sufferers. In the Goto islands, lifestyle related illnesses account for 60% of all deaths. Including 30.9% of all cancer cases, 15.5% of all heart diseases, and 13.9% of all cerebro-vascular disease. This study focuses on workers from small offices. The subjects were asked question related to their current states of health, physical and psychological symptoms they've noticed, current lifestyle habbit, current stress levels, and stress management techniques. More than 40% of manufacturing workers surveyed report that don't visit doctors in their workplaces for medical examination. In men, the most commonly reported symptom is loss of appetite. More than 60%. of workers in all industries surveyed reported feeling stress. Most noticeably, more than 80%. of workers in the financial and insurance industries reported felling stress.. Fatigue was reported most by civil servants and manufacturing workers. Nervousness and depression were most common in the financial and insurance industries, and manufacturing workers reported felling unhealthy most frequency. Younger worker and women tend toward counseling as a positive means of stress management. On the other hand, middle-aged men had turn to smoking and drinking alcohol to handle stress. This study suggests that, in addition to ant-smoking campaigns, stress management education is vital. This study especially suggests that workers in small to mid-sized campaigns on the islands have a great need for stress care programs.
- 活水女子大学の論文
- 2004-03-31
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