長崎市内の脳外科救急搬送患者の十年間の動向および脳出血・脳梗塞における高血圧,糖尿病,不整脈の危険要因の検討 : 脳血管疾患の発症を予防して,寝たきりを減らすために
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The average Japanese life span is the longest in the world. However, cerebrovascular disease is the 3rd leading of the cause of death in the Japanese population, In paticula, cerebral infarction is the leading cause of patients becoming bedridden. In this aging society an increase of bedridden patients is a fiscal burden as well as increasing nursing loads. The purpose of this research is to prevent bedriddeness by investigating the patients brought in for cerebral surgery over ten years, with particular attention to the trend of the cerebrovascular disease, and examining the correlation between cerebrovascular disease and high blood pressure, diabetes, and arrhythmia. 75% of the cerebral surgery patients who were brought in were 50-80 years old. The frequency of the head injury, cerebral infarction, and brain hemorrhage was high. Among women in their 40's, the ratio of subarachnoid hemorrhage was high. The ratio of the brain hemorrhage was high between the ages of 50 and 60 years. It was low during the hot months of August and September. The ratio of cerebral infarction is high between 70 and 90 years of age, and with 40 percent of patients leaving the hospital for home. There was a history of high blood pressure in nearly 50% of brain hemorrhage and cerebral infarction cases. There was a history of diabetes in 30 percent of brainstem infarct cases. About 70 percent of cardiogenic cerebral embolization cases had a history of arrhythmia. High blood pressure, diabetes, and arrhythmia were reconfirmed as important factors in the prevention of cerebrovascular disease.
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- 長崎市内の脳外科救急搬送患者の十年間の動向および脳出血・脳梗塞における高血圧,糖尿病,不整脈の危険要因の検討 : 脳血管疾患の発症を予防して,寝たきりを減らすために
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