教師教育経営論(3) : 専門職大学院と教師の現職教育の連関性(第三部(教育人間科学関連領域))
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The purpose of this article is to analyze the problems of the relationship between Professional Graduate School and in-service teacher education, and to propose the policies of establishment new Professional Graduate School. The in-service teacher education in Professional Graduate School aims to acquire the higher quality of the professional competency through the integration of the related theories and practices. The Education Faculty of Hiroshima University has the good traditional educational system. Therefore, The new system needs to be established on the traditional system. However, in the new system, there are many outreach activities of teachers of graduate school to enhance the school outcomes.
- 広島大学の論文
- 2005-03-28
- 現職教師教育におけるネットワーキングの意義(第三部(教育人間科学関連領域))
- 教師教育経営論(3) : 専門職大学院と教師の現職教育の連関性(第三部(教育人間科学関連領域))
- 教師教育経営論 (1) : 教育組織の改革に対応する教師教育の在り方
- 教師教育経営試論 (2) : 学生の教職志望と担当教官の力量評定
- 教師教育経営試論 (1) : 教職の意義等に関する科目「教職入門」を担当して