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With The Social Welfare Law revised along with The Nursing-Care Insurance put into action in 2000, it seems now clear that social welfare services are geared to render at home or in the community as much as possible. On the other hand, however, there have been changes to improve the quality of in-care services and secure the dignity and self-esteem of those staying at institutions like old people's home as well. Children in need of help and protection have been traditionally taken care of at the institutions in our society, and it is basically true even today. It is well recognized that child residential care has played an enormous role for such needy children for reasons they are not at all responsible for. The public measure system was therefore preserved for child welfare services due to the fact that child-abusing parents, for instance, cannot be expected to seek help or to apply themselves for the adequate services for their children severely in need of immediate help and protection. The system preserved in child welfare services, on the other hand, will be consequently absorbed in the overall scheme of social welfare service system. Child residential care will probably continue to play a major role for needy children but certainly in different manners in the future. The future residential care will somehow have to overcome the limits that the traditional collective treatment contains in its own structure. It has been almost 70 years since The Child Welfare Law was first taken in effect in 1947 and 10 years since the major revision was made in 1997. It is felt significant to overview the roles the child residential care played during the past decades in order to foresee the direction it should take to better meet the present and the future demands of child protection.
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