- 論文の詳細を見る
In this paper, the authors describe a design of an analog computer whose frequency band spreads to audio frequency. The performance of the operational amplifier of this computer is the following; The frequency band in the sign changer is 1 mega cycles per second, the gain of dc amplifier is 75 decibels. The frequency of simple harmonic oscillation in circle test is above 30 kilo cycles per second and the accuracy is almost equal to that of the ordinary high speed computer. In fabricating the operational amplifier, authors make theoretical cionsideration and the system design of the amplifier is based on detailed experimental results. Faculty and convenience of the computer depend on the design of the control system. The details of automatic changing system of the input and of the feedback impedance, recording system of the solutions of which differential equations have different parameters, and of the control system are described. Nonlinear computing elements are important in the analog computer, which are also described. Authors are getting better results in the research on analog simulation of vocal tract, in which this computer is used.
- 明治大学の論文
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