国体集団演技に関する基礎的研究 (第4報) : 第21回国体から第30回国体までのマスゲームの演技内容の変遷について
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The purpose of this study was to investigate the trends in the massgame (collective gymnastics and dance exhibition) at the 2lth to 30th National Sports Festival (Period III). By analyzing reports on the National Sports Festival, the training manuals of massgame and the related materials etc., the idea of the perfomance, and the composition of programs were arranged, and the performances were investigated, along with clarifying the changes during period III. Results of this study are summarized as follows : 1. Massgames were performed as public demonstrations during the opening and closing ceremonies. In the opening ceremony the massgames were performed both before and after the ceremony, and in the closing ceremony, they were performed only before it. 2. The idea of the massgames was obscure. The theme of each massgame was differnt in each festival. These themes were related to local things such as Japanese folkdance, the younger-generation (its vitality), scenes of playing children, the communication between parents and children etc. 3. As for the charateristics of the performance of the massgame, the program consisted of gymnastics, dance, other exercises, and they were different for each festival. A fife and drumcorps, Japanese folkdance ordinary parts of the opening ceremony. Performances with high frequency in the gymnastic group were free gymnastics, pyramid building, gymnastics with handapparatus, tumbling and their combinations, in the dance group, creative dance and rhythmic movement (rhytmicplay) were performed, and in the others, the fife and drum corps, and Japanese folkdances. In spite of the small number, sports suck as cycling and volleyball were newly adopted. 4. The standard time for each performance mostly ranged from 15 to 20 min. and from 10 to 15 min. as did in the period II. The total time of performances ranged from 123 to 196 min. 5. The number of performers was different in each festival, ranging mostly from 2000 to 2500 in the opening ceremony, and in the closing ceremony. The total number of performers ranged from 15, 452 to 27, 900 during period III. 6. The performers were mostly from educational institutions such as kindergarten, elemenataryschools, junior high schools, senior schools, the fife and drum corps, in other groups, there were the woman's groups, the traditional folk arts and the Boy Scouts for sports, and marchingband.
- 中京大学の論文
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