保健体育科からみた学校週五日制に関する研究 (3) : A県公立中学校における選択制体育の導入と課題
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In recent years Japan has reduced the school week to five-days, in line with the majority of educational systems elsewhere. This has brought about changes in the design of the school curriculum and much re-thinking of the nature of pupil attainment and the professional development needs of teachers. The process of change has also embraced teaching and learning in physical education. Special attention has been paid to the problems associated with the elective aspect of the physical education curriculum, which is the subject matter of this paper. On the basis of studies of pupil participation in different kinds of elective physical activities (ball games, track and field, dance and other electives) the responses of teachers to their voluntary choices pinpointed a need for more focused professional development. Although there was a sound appreciation of the attainment goals of the new curriculum design in elective physical education (notably the emphasis on pupil setting their own attainment goals), there was some confusion as to how vest to teach in such a different environment of self-learning and individual motivation. Teachers had observed that the introduction of elective choice in the curriculum had resulted in a decline in both physical strength and dexterity skills. Moreover, they had difficulty in accurately judging pupil's capacity for self-learning. Teachers also pointed out that the implementation of the five-day school week had reduced the hours available for teaching and learning without any change in the amount of curriculum content. Finally, the old system of educational examination remained with no account taken of the new approach to pupil attainment and self-1earning, adding to the confusion brought about by a major change in curriculum philosophy and practice.
- 中京大学の論文
- 1997-10-31
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