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The stand structure of a secondary Quercus serrata (Konara oak)-Pinus densiflola (Japanese redpine) forest affected by pine wilt disease was investigated in northern Nagano Prefecture, centralJapan. In 1998, in a 10m X 50m (0.05ha) plot, the total basal area of living pine was 6.7㎡/ha (23.6% of all woody species ≥ 5cm in diameter at breast height and/or ≥ 3m in height) and 19.1㎡/ha (67.5%) for oak. Many dead pine trunks caused by pine wilt disease has been distributed in and aroundthe plot. According to the size structure of pine and oak population including their dead population and quantitative composition of underwoods, the stand has been shifting from pine-dominated forestto oak-dominated forest. This change could have been accelerated after the 1960s' stop of forestmaintenance (e.g. using trunks for timber, shrubs for fuel, and litter for compost). Additionally,disturbance by pine wilt disease that occurred in the 1980s would have drastically lead to an acceleration of succession from pine forest to oak forest.
- 信州大学の論文
- 2005-03-25
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