拡張する市街地と先住民族集落 : 台湾花蓮市近郊のアミ集落の市街地化(齊藤憲教授退職記念号)
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This paper aims to describe how the 'Amis people living near the urban city are defining their identities against the invading people coming from another area. The 'Amis is the largest ethnic group of indigenous peoples in Taiwan. They live at the east foot of the Zhong-yang Mountains area and near the East Coast area, namely the plains of east Taiwan. In east Taiwan, there are two big cities, Hua-lian and Tai-dong. 'Amis people live in many villages around there. Sometimes the 'Amis have been attacked by enemy ethnic groups and been made to move other places. After World War II, 'Amis villages gradually increased population, particularly near the big city of Hua-lian. This increasing population has been caused by the influx of people to the urban area, including not only the 'Amis from rural areas but also many ethnic groups coming from all parts of Hua-lian Prefecture. In addition to the increased population, transportation facilities have been improved, and this means that a large number of people live in the suburbs and are therefore linked with urban areas. That is the way the urban area has been expanding. As the urban area expanded, 'Amis people were forced to change. For example, originally one 'Amis village was divided into 3 political villages, and originally 'Amis villages housed almost only the 'Amis people; however, now circumstances have changed, and we can easily see many other ethnic groups' peoples. In this situation, the 'Amis use their position as villagers in different ways, that is, as the villagers of the original 'Amis village, or as villagers of the political village (a part of the original village). They have two chiefs of their village, one is the traditional chief of 'Amis tribe, another is the political village chief, mostly Chinese. Because of this, they maintain their traditional language, village system, religion and their network system. They choose their attitude toward the traditional village system or political village system, in any case. The expanding urban area has forced many changes for the 'Amis. Under these circumstances the 'Amis have come to recognize their identity more clearly.
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