台湾アミ族の時間の観念(1) : 1日の時の区分(佐々木肇教授退職記念号)
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Some peoples in the world recognize the time by the position of the sun and/or stars in the sky. This paper aims to clarify the conception of the time before the use of clocks among the 'Amis who are one of the indigenous peoples in Taiwan. Especially we will take notice of how the 'Amis divide a day. To begin I collected some facts which teach us about time before the use of clocks. During every moment of sunrise or sunset, some peoples are very sensitive to the varieties of light and darkness. Similarly we can see the 'Amis people are sensitive at sunrise. They show more interest at sunrise rather than at sunset, because they have few time words related to sunset time. These words show us the delicate difference of the changing lightness. We can also see the same conception about the division of a day in the gods' and goddesses' world among the 'Amis. They have one god and some goddesses which show the different position of the sun during one day, according to the name of the god and goddesses. There are three goddesses named to show the progress of the time about sunrise. One name shows the position of the sun under the horizon, another name shows the position of the sun just at the horizon, and last one shows the sun just above the horizon. The other goddesses identify the position of the sun at noon and sunset. Only one god identifies the position of the sun under the earth, namely during the night. These sun god and goddesses are deified by the shamans, called si-kawas-ay in 'Amis, who sometimes cure the persons of a disease. Consequently, we find how the 'Amis people recognize the division of a day. They are very careful with the varieties of the lightness at sun rise, therefore the cosmology of the 'Amis is also reflected in this conception of the day's division.
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