EU東方拡大の政治経済学 : 安全保障戦略と拡大コストの相克
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This article analyzes East-West trade during the Cold War and the EU's eastward enlargement in the post-Cold War era. The EU pursued an appeasement policy towards central and eastern Europe (CEE), while the American government employed an economic containment policy. In the late 1970s, these two approaches clashed, as the EC became more assertive in countering US diplomacy. This was evident in the response to the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in December 1979. Although the US restricted exports to the USSR and imposed a grain embargo, the EC was attempting to isolate trade relations with CEE from the deterioration in political relations between the superpowers. The EC considered East-West trade as a security policy appeasing the CEE. After the Cold War the EU decided to integrate the CEE during the early twenty-first century, even if through the Common Agricultural Policy and the Structural Policy it must bear the financial cost of supporting the CEE economies. The dominant trend in the post-Cold War restructuring of Europe's political landscape has been the opening of the West to incorporate the former East, but this trend did not suddenly emerge after the Cold War. It is concluded that the foreign policy of the EC/EU towards the CEE represents the continuity between the Cold War and post-Cold War eras.
- 東北文化学園大学の論文
- 2001-09-30
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