- 論文の詳細を見る
Since 1952, extra-budgetary system has been established, for some small and specific source of income. Data on the extra-budgetary funds have been collected in accordance with the statistical reporting scheme since 1952, but the statistical reporting scheme of in the items in the extra-budgetary expenditure and extra-budgetary funds of the central government and the local governments since 1982. Changes have been made in the items in the extra-budgetary revenue and the extra-budgetary expenditure several times. In 1993, new financial general rules and accounting standards were implemented. As a result, significant changes have been made again in the scope of extra-budgetary revenue and extra-budgetary expenditure. The innovation fund and the major repair fund in the state-owned enterprises were no longer listed as the extrabudgetary funds. It been passed the reform on extra-budgetary in 1996, therefore, the definition became. Now, extra-budgetary fund refers to financial fund of various types not covered by the regular government budgetary management, which is collected, allocated or arranged by government agencies, institutions and social organizations while performing duties delegated to them or on behalf of the government in accordance with laws, rules and regulations. It mainly covers following items: administrative and institutional fees, funds and extra charges that are stipulated by laws and regulations; administrative and institutional fees approved by the State Council and provincial governments and their financial and planning departments; funds and extra charges established by the State Council and the Ministry of Finance; funds turned over to competent departments by their subordinate institutions; self-raised and collected funds by township governments for their own expenditure; and other financial funds that are not covered in budgetary management. By now, Extra-budgetary revenue and expenditure is managed separately, namely, revenue of institutions and departments must enter into the special accounts of the financial departments at the same administrative level, and their extra-budgetary expenditure is arranged in line with the extra-budget plans and appropriated from these accounts.
- 島根県立大学の論文
- 2001-12-25
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