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It has been found that the mechanical efficiency of positive work performed in running at steady states amounts to 0.4 - 0.5. These findings led to the hypothesis that part of positive work is due to the potential elastic energy stored in the contracted muscles and other elastic tissues forcibly stretched during the negative work phase of the step. Furthermore, it has been considered that stored and recoiled elastic energy can be re-used in other exercises like jumping with counter movement action, which followed immediately by negative work. If the contracted leg extensor muscles were regarded as a series visco-elastic system, it yields damped oscillation when the system is passively extended by external force. The stiffness of the elastic structures which is responsible for this motion has been calculated from the frequencies, which are led by multiple values of load on the leg. The force-extension curve of the elastic component and the stored elastic energy are calculated from these values. There are two purposes in this review. The first is to investigate the underlying mechanism that increases mechanical efficiency during running and jumping. The second purpose is to investigate the methodology of quantification of elastic energy, which has been investigated in the field of muscle efficiency.
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