- 論文の詳細を見る
This paper deals with beach litters collected along the coast of Kagoshima prefecture from April 1997 to July 1999. One hundred and sixteen persons swept over 9-km shoreline from Iso to Shikine for 26.4 hours. The total beach litters collected were 805.7 kg or 289 bags (4.5 l /bag). The most abundant items were papers and plastics accounting for 408.9 kg (50.6%) or 123 bags (42.5%). On the other hand, the beach litters collected in an area of 100 m^2 on 7 beaches were roughly classified into 117 items. The litters were mainly composed of plastic pieces (11.0%), plastic pellets (34.4%), and foamed plastic pieces (40.5%). About 90% of the total beach litters were fine fragments including plastic pellets. The lowest efficiency of collection on the shoreline was 1.3 m/(p-h) at Kanze in Kagoshima City. In the plastic pellets drifted onto 15 beaches were contained more than 100 pieces in an area of 100 m^2.
- 鹿児島大学の論文
- 1999-12-24
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