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The underwater sound environment in shallow water area was complicated by time and depth under the influences of the biological and artificial noises from land and sea, e.g., trains, cars, feeding, cruising boats, etc. The purpose of this study is to clarify the underwater noise background and the underwater sound environment weighted by auditory sensation of fish in Kagoshima Bay. The emitted noise by drifting and cruising vessels has the largest influence on the underwater sound environment in shallow water area. There were recorded the vertical underwater noise by drifting vessel and approaching noise by cruising vessel. The transmission rays of underwater noise by drifting vessel have two directions, i.e., direct and reflected rays ; interference occurs while receiving the two direction sound waves with a hydrophone simultaneously. As an interference theory of underwater sound in shallow water was obtained as an equation with the range of transmission rays from drifting and cruising vessels to hydrophone for the reflection number. A comparison between theoretical and actual interference was made with a measurement of the ambient noise and traffic value in the heavy traffic area of Kagoshima Port. It was confirmed that the main noise was emitted by vessels, and the characteristic noise was temporal and sharply increased. In the biological noise, the underwater sounds measured in net cages at a culture ground were analyzed by the zerocrossing method to obtain the period change, power, and continuation time of swimming sounds by fish. The audiogram of a bastard halibut Paralichthys olivaceus was measured by a classical respiratory conditioning technique. The hearing response of bastard halibut was also measured by sweeping sound, and clarified the upper limit frequency of hearing. The lowest threshold of bastard halibut was at about 100 Hz and the threshold increased rapidly at 200-400 Hz. The ambient noises are mainly broadband and appears under 3 kHz of fine auditory sensation in fish. The hearing ability differs among fishes, thereby the underwater sound environment also differs. Arrangement was made on the frequency-weighted characteristics for auditory sensation of fish, fish weighting using these audiograms, in comparison with the underwater sound environment and underwater noise level of each fish. The fish weighting of bastard halibut is a type of low frequency with narrow band ; the underwater noise level is strongly affected by emphasis on the interference level of low frequency. The fish weighting of a Japanese horse mackerel Trachurus japonicus is a type of high frequency with wide band ; the underwater sound environment is influenced by the interference with wide band, but a small effect on variation of the underwater noise level.
- 鹿児島大学の論文
- 1999-12-24
- 1998年8月鹿児島県薩摩半島沿岸に漂着した大量ゴミの実態
- 瀬戸内海に流入する13河川における散乱ごみの分布特徴
- 瀬戸内海における海洋ごみの収支
- 鹿児島湾における海底堆積ごみの分布と実態
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- 鹿児島港桜島水道南部水域における海上交通特性
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- 航行中の船舶から放射される海中雑音の干渉効果
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- 鹿児島湾桜島水道養殖場生簀内におけるカンパチの発する水中音
- ヒラメの聴覚閾値
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- ティラピアの聴覚閾値測定
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- 漂流・漂着ごみのモニタリング手法と今後の方向について (特集 漂流・漂着ごみを考える)
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- 日本における国際海岸クリーンアップ(ICC)の現状とその結果
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- 鳴砂の浜を含む全国30海岸における微小プラスチックの漂着実態
- 展望 国内海岸漂着ごみのモニタリング手法の整理と今後の進め方
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- 海の漂着ごみ
- 鹿児島県吹上浜における指標漂着物を用いた海岸漂着ごみの定期モニタリング
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- 鹿児島県の海岸における発泡プラスチック破片の漂着状況
- 環境 海岸における発泡スチロール破片の漂着散乱と再利用--散乱防止に向け何ができるか
- 環境関連 海洋ごみ問題の現状と課題
- 鹿児島湾海岸における発泡プラスチック製漁業資材の漂着状況
- 大会テーマ寄稿 海岸漂着物処理推進法に対する期待と課題
- 指標漂着物を用いた瀬戸内海における海洋ごみの流れと起源の推定
- 海岸・河岸ごみの実態 (特集 海洋ごみフォーラム『海のごみについて考えよう』)
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- 平成18年度鹿児島大学水産学部公開講座 第2回「海岸へ行こう」報告
- 発泡スチロール製ゴミの海岸漂着散乱問題 (特集 海のゴミ)
- かごしまクリーンアップキャンペーンの6年間の取り組み
- 鹿児島県海岸部における漂着・散乱物に関する研究(2)海岸ゴミに対する取り組み事例の分析
- 鹿児島県海岸部における漂着・散乱物に関する研究(1)
- 鹿児島湾における海岸漂着ごみと海底堆積ごみ (特集 鹿児島湾--深奥な魅力を探る)
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- 海岸漂着物処理推進法制定と鹿児島県における今後の対策
- 鹿児島湾における水中音環境に関する研究
- 鹿児島県海岸における漂着散乱ゴミ
- 瀬戸内海における微小プラスチックごみ
- 日本沿岸に漂着するごみの特徴とその対策 (特集 国を越えての物質・生物の移動とその影響)
- 日本沿岸に漂着するごみの特徴とその対策
- ゼロ-クロッシング法による魚群遊泳音の周期解析
- 単体魚の背方向反射指向性パタ-ンのスペクトル解析
- 海岸漂着物処理推進法制定と鹿児島県における今後の対策
- Monitoring Marine Debris Using Disposable Lighters as an Indicator
- 平成18年度鹿児島大学水産学部公開講座 第2回「海岸へ行こう」報告