マルクスの利子生み資本論 : 『資本論』の草稿によって(大谷禎之介教授退任記念論文集)
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Since 1982 I have intermittently published in this Journal a series of articles, a consistent aim of which should be clear and extremely specific: that is to put Marx's manuscript for Ch. 5 of Book III of "Capital" under scrutiny. To start with, I translated the manuscript into Japanese, deciphering its complex structures. In order for my decipherment of it to be scientifically verifiable I added to the translation my own comments and annotations based on my analytical exploration of the manuscript as well as the third Volume of Engels' edition of "Capital". Marx's manuscript was published as vol. II/4.2. of the MEGA in 1993. Since then, I exploited the published version of MEGA-volume as the basis of my translation and also carried the translation of its scientific commentary. This series completed in 2002. In this article I would recapitulate the main knowledge and observations acquired through my own examinations of the construction of Ch. 5 and the contents of its respective components which nevertheless could hardly be grasped from Engels' edition. Following point, amongst many, is essential and therefore to be emphasized: By even now some researchers, almost all of who are relying on Engels' edition, think that the theoretical development in Ch. 5 except for the last historical observation consists of the first part which deals with the theory of interest-bearing capital and the second part which inquires into the credit and banking system if not comprehensively provided. But readers, if going through Marx's manuscript, could and should have become aware that the subject of the whole Ch. 5 is entirely tied to the interest-bearing capital. In the first four sections of this chapter Marx conceptually grasps the interest-bearing capital and then, having based himself on his conceptual examinations established in the previous four sections, he, in the section five, investigates the interest-bearing capital under the credit and banking system, i.e. "monied capital". Therefore the analysis of the credit and banking system itself should be interpreted as remaining totally outside "Capital", as Marx himself said at the beginning of the latter section of the manuscript: "An analysis of the credit and banking system... lies beyond our plan."
- 法政大学の論文
- 2005-03-07
- マルクスの利子生み資本論 : 『資本論』の草稿によって(大谷禎之介教授退任記念論文集)
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