<論文>「貴金属と為替相場」(『資本論』第 3 部第 35 章)の草稿について : 『資本論』第 3 第 1 稿の第 5 章から
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This article offers a thorough analysis of what Friedrich Engels presented in 1895 as 35th chapter on "Precious Metal and Rate of Exchange" in the Third Volume of "Capital". In particular, this text is compared to its source which is to be found in the draft of Book III of "Capital", that Karl Marx wrote in l864/65. The author first investigates the contents dealt with in these documents and adds a Japanese translation of Marx's original writings based on text and annotations in the complete edition of the works of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, MEGA, vol.II/4.2. He also offers a detailed commentary on the relations between Marx's original and the Engels' edition, in particular on their differences. The 35th chapter consists of two parts which Marx wrote for different purposes. The first section, which Engels used for "I. Movement of the Gold Reserve", was written as part of the draft and in the main covered the following subjects: Efflux and influx of bullion; limits of the credit system dependent on the monetary system that is characteristic of the bourgeois economy. This part not only presents Marx's last considerations on "monied capital" in the fifth chapter of Book III but also his conclusions on "credit system" in the section "5) Credit. Fictitious Capital" and on "money of the world" in "Capital" generally. The second section, however, which Engels gathered in "II. The Rate of Exchange", sprang from a collection of notes Marx added to his draft. This collection by its nature contained no theoretical essay on the points in question. The differences between both parts are clearly shown by the way the manuscripts are written and by the method of arguing. Joining together these different pieces of writing to form one chapter, Engels, though unconsciously, presented Marx's fragmentary statements as a kind of "theory on rates of exchange" of Marx.
- 法政大学の論文
- 2001-12-29
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