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The relationship between optimists (OP) who chooses an optimistic strategy and defensive pessimists (DP) who chooses a pessimistic strategy was investigated. They were selected in Optimism-Pessimism Prescreeing Questionnaire (OPPQ) and performed a task similar to the achievement situation. Common features and difference of those using the two strategies were observed and the validity of the pessimistic strategy was examined using three experiment conditions ・ false success feedback, failure-feedback and a control group with no-feedback. The results of a distributed ANOVA (group × condition × time before and after condition operation of anxiety scores) indicated that in the after condition operation the DP group had a significantly higher anxiety score compared to the OP group. Moreover, in feelings of control and self-reported satisfaction, the DP group had similar score to the OP group. These results suggest that in the defensive pessimism strategy, high "achievement need" may function as a defense from threats to self-esteem. Since the cognitive strategies involving a high DP may create a large mental burden, it is necessary to simultaneously examine flexibility for choosing either optimistic or pessimistic strategies according to the situation.
- 昭和女子大学の論文
- 2005-03-31
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