Macrolepidopterous Moth Fauna on a Volcano Mt. Usu Six Years after the 1977-78 Eruptions
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In total 4,747 samples of 329 macrolepidopterous moth species were obtained in the surveys conducted at Yosomi Hill and the crater basin of Mt. Usu in 1984. As in Nopporo (Sakamoto etal, 1977; Sato, 1985) and Tomakomai (Yoshida, 1976, 1981), Noctuidae, Geometridae and Notodontidae exceeded the other families in number of species. Dominant species were Perizoma saxeum, Thera variata (Geometridae) and Hypena tristalis (Noctuidae) in the late spring; Chasminodes nervosa, Chasminodes spp., Cosmia unicolor (Noctuidae) in the summer; Amphipoea ussuriensis, Hydraecia amurensis (Noctuidae), Perizoma saxeum (Geometridae) in the autumn; Ptilophora nohirae (Notodontidae), Erannis golda (Geometridae) in the early winter. Since the species feeding on broad-leaved trees and conifers were rich in the crater basin deforested by the last eruptions, many moth species seemed to have immigrated from the base to the top of the mountain. The level of species diversity was almost same between Yosomi Hill and the crater basin throughout all seasons, though the evenness was lower in the crater basin from spring to autumn due to a predominance of Chasiminodes nervosa, Chasminodes spp. and Cosmia unicolor.
- 北海道大学の論文
- 1985-07-31
OKAZAKI Katsunori
Department of Disease Control, Graduate School of Veterinary Medicine, Hokkaido University
SATO Hiroaki
Department of Internal Medicine, Wakayama Medical University Kihoku Hospital
Okazaki Katsunori
Department Of Biosystem Management Division Of Environmental Conservation Graduate School Of Environ
Sato Hiroaki
Department Of Biosystem Management Division Of Environmental Conservation Graduate School Of Environ
Fukuda Hiromi
Department of Biosystem Management, Division of Environmental Conservation, Graduate School of Envir
Fukuda Hiromi
Department Of Biosystem Management Division Of Environmental Conservation Graduate School Of Environ
Fukuda Hiromi
Department Of Biosystem Management Division Of Environmental Conservation Graduate School Of Environ
Sato Hiroaki
Department Of Anesthesiology University Of Yamanashi Faculty Of Medicine
Sato Hiroaki
Department Of Biosystem Management Division Of Environmental Conservation Graduate School Of Environ
Sato Hiroaki
Department Of Agricultural Chemistry Kyushu University
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