保育における水遊びの効果に関する一研究 : 投影樹木画法における成長指標(GCL)とトラウマ指標(TCL)からの検討
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The purpose of this study is to elucidate the benefits of water play in childcare as viewed by Growth Check List (GCL) and Trauma Check List (TCL) in Projective Tree Drawing Technique. The results are the following; (1) The drawings by children who did water play have more growth indicators than those by children who did free play, so water play is more useful for the psychological growth of young children. (2) There is no significant difference in the reductive change of TCL indicators in the drawings both by children of water play and free play, so we can't say that water play in childcare has therapeutic benefits. (3) The drawings by children of long-period water play have many significant growth indicators, so it is useful for the psychological growth of young children, but we can't say that it has therapeutic benefits. (4) Whether water play is in a short period or in a long period, there is no significant difference of the benefits on young children's psychological growth between these two, but short-period water play can reduce the aggressive impulses and long-period water play facilitates the development of individuality and ego integration of young children.
- 2005-01-31
大辻 隆夫
塩川 真理
塩川 真理
田中 野枝
大辻 隆夫
京都女大 家政
大辻 隆夫
大辻 隆夫
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