- 論文の詳細を見る
We may count The Prelude as one of the most intensively studied works of William Wordsworth. It has been studied from various points of view. However, there is at least one aspect that has not received due critica1 attention. It is how Wordsworth describes the Lake District in it. Wordsworth started writing autobiographical lines in the winter of 1798-99. This was the beginning of The Rrelude, and he completed it in 1805. But before this thirteen-book version, the autobiographical poem had two distinct stages of development, the two-part Prelude of 1799, and the five-book Prelude of 1804. In this paper I have investigated what differences these two versions of The Prelude have in their description of the Lake District. What I have made clear in this respect wi11 contribute to the discussion of how Wordsworth's plan of his autobiographica1 poem developed in the years between 1798 and 1804.
- 2006-02-15
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