- 論文の詳細を見る
In Book 11 of The Prelude (1805) William Wordsworth says that when he was under the influence of Godwinian, or inferior reason, his way of communing with nature was seriously affected by the picturesque. But it did not last long, and he completely recovered from this infection of the ”taste/Less elevated.” This account of the influence of the picturesque on him had been long accepted without doubt in Wordsworth scholarship. But in ”Wordsworth and the Picturesque: A Strong Infection of the Age,” TWC 18(1987):114-21 Nicola Trott maintains that some influence of the picturesque can be seen in his poetry written after his recovery from his mental crisis. Trott's paper has encouraged scholars to reexamine Wordsworth's involvement with the picturesque. However, even in these examinations it has been left out of their attention how he was influenced by the picturesque in his Hawkshead days. In the latter half of the eight eenth century the picturesque tour to the Lakes was in vogue, and many tours and guides to the Lakes were published for tourists. Several topographical poems dealing with the scenery of this district were also written. These books and poems tell us what the picturesque conventions in the Lake District were. In this paper I have examined how the young Wordsworth was influenced by the picturesque, by comparing his boyhood experiences described in The Prelude and other poems with these conventions.
- 2002-02-15
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