- 論文の詳細を見る
The primary purpose of this study is to establish a "provisional model" of stable industrial relations in Korea through the critical assessment of the structural defects and operational deficiencies of Korean industrial relations identified from the outcome of empirical field study. The secondary purpose includes identification of the deteminants of labour-management disputes in the private sector in Korea-to see the actual issues of labour-management relations at workplace. To achieve this purpose, two equations have been developed. The reason for testing two equations in that some of the independent variables lose their significance when combined in one equation. These equations are based on a prior knowledge of the socio-political, economic and cultural phenomena that characterize labour-management relations in Korea. 1) The first equation hypothesised that the number of workers involved in disputes tents to rise with increase in: (1) the firm's total workforce; (2) the ratio of unionized workers to total number of works in the firm; (3) the ratio of workers' years of employment with present employer to their total working years in the labour force; and that the number also tends to rise with decrease in; (4) the number of labour-management council meetings during the past years; (5) the number of any type of formal training programm in the past years; (6) the ratio of workers wage increase in 1988 to the inflation rate in 1987; (7) the ratio of number of disputes solved by the formal system of dispute settlement to the total number of disputes which occurred in the firm. 2) The second equation yielded date on labour-management disputes in the private sector of Korea by examining the relationship by a factor analysis of five variables'; (1) socio-political factors; (2) eoonomic factors; (3) working condition factors; (4) managerial factors. The statistical indicators were found to be singificant and reliable. The firms total employment was found to be the major deteminants of labour disputes followed by the number of labour-management council, the ratio of disputes solved by the formal system to total number of disputes, the number of any training program, the ratio of worker's years of employment with current employer to his total working years in the labour force. From the labour's point of view, the socio-political and working conditions are the most important deteminants of labour-management dispute. The findings of this study necessitates some recommendations to both actors. Management in the private sector in Korea is not giving enough attention to the needs and aspiration of the human element in their organizational settigs. Therefore, management has to realize that their paternalistic approach in dealing with labour problem is inappropriate in modern managerial thinking. Large and complex organization need managerial cadre capable of dealing with problems on a sound scientific basis instead of the paternalistic approach. With respect to labour, it was obvious that some union leaders were not responsible enough in serving the interests of the working class. They were distracted from their main responsibility by political and ideological considerations. A lack of knowledge in the basic economic and social facts and the game of power in collective barganing, was obvious in some of their recent collective bargaining.
- 桃山学院大学の論文
- 1989-12-10
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