観光供給側面よりみた寺院観光地実態の比較分析 : 仏国寺と海印寺施設地区住民を中心として(第10回桃山学院大学・啓明大学校国際学術セミナー(続))
- 論文の詳細を見る
The Buddhist temple is symbolic of the tangible Korean Buddhism culture, and is very important as a keystone of tourism resources. In particular, Pulguk-sa and Haein-sa temples in Young-nam region attract the highest number of tourists among the 2,000 temples in Korea. In 1983 a total of 1, 747, 579 tourists visited the Pulguk-sa temple, whiJe Haein-sa temple attracted 693,709 tourists. Thus, the two temples have attracted 24 percent of the total domestic tourists who made the trip to Buddhist temples and historic relic spots in the year. But in 1987 the two temples attracted a total of 2, 680,146 tourists: a 10 percent increase over the past four years. Pulguk-sa is located in the Kyongju National Park, and Haein-sa is in the Mt. Kaya National Park. Both temple sites have been designated officially as Historic and Scenic Sites by the Korean government. The purpose of this study is to explore the characteristics and unique qualities of Pulguk-sa and Haein-sa temples as tourist destinations so as to compare each element comprising the tourism supply. Accordingly, the socio-cultural, economic and environmental impact of tourism on the two temple sites were examined so as to analyse and compare the signicance of tourism in the areas. In this context the evaluation of tourism development of the sites were carried out so that recommendations for the maximization of the socio-cultural, environmental and economic benefits of tourism to the destinations could be made. To extract the various data and information, the written questionnaires for the inhabitants were composed and distributed to all shopowners in both temple sites based on a universal survey methodology. In addition, an interview survey of the monks and field survey research in both temples were conducted to collect supplementary data and information. The result of analysis can be described as follows: Tourism is the major income source for most businesses at Pulguk-sa and Haein-sa, and the prevailing view was that the overall potential of each area for tourism development was good. In this respect the attitudes of the different businesses towards the tourists were somewhat variable, particularly at Haein-sa, and this was indicative of a lack of professionalism. To some extent at Haein-sa, this could be associated with dissatisfaction with the current market situation and the problems the businesses were experiencing with that the temple authorities over land ownership. Without substantial investment by all parties in the tourist infrastructure and superstructure at Haein-sa, it is likely that the situation could ged worse. Haein-sa is therefore at a 'crossroads' in its development. Consequently, there does appear to be conflict of interests between the monks and the visitors. This can only be resolved by the implementation of better visitor management practices within the temple grounds. The temple authorities need to face up to the task of either training the monks or employing professional staff to manage the visitor flows and ensure that the visitors receive a worthwhile and meaningful experience.
- 桃山学院大学の論文
- 1990-12-15
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