<原著論文>長距離走者の最大酸素摂取量に相当する走運動における持続時間と VO_2 の緩成分
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The purpose of this study was to assess the running time to exhaustion at the velocity associated with VO_2max (Tlim at vVO_2max) and to examine the relationship Tlim at vVO_2max and VO_2 slow component (SC). Seven male endurance trained runners (19±1.4yr) performed an incremental test for determination of the VO_2max and an all-out running test at vVO_2max for determination of Tlim at vVO_2max and SC. The both running tests were performed on a treadmill with 3.5%-slope. The amplitude of the SC was determined following two methods, 1) difference between VO_2 at the last minute and minute 3 of exercise (L-3min), 2) the modeled slow component amplitude using a double-exponential with. independent time delays (model) : VO_2(t)=VO_2b+Al×(1-e^<-(t-TD1)/TC1>)+A2×(1-e ^<-(t-TD2)/TC2>). During the all-out running test at vVO_2max, they can achieve only 95% of VO_2max, but there was a significant correlation between Tlim at vVO_2max and 5000m-race time. Although only four of the 7 subjects appear a VO_2 steady state, the subject's amplitude of SC was greater for using a model compared with the L-3min. There was a tendency for the relationship between SC using model and Tlim at vVO_2max to correlate. It is speculated that for trained long-distance runners, running time to exhaustion at vVO_2max is related to long distance performance and amplitude of SC. Also, it is suggested that it is important for further investigations of oxygen uptake kinetics to use of a double-exponential model.
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