- 論文の詳細を見る
This investigation firstly sought to characterize the oxygen uptake (VO_2) off-transient kinetics from heavy cycling exercise and secondary examined the relationship between muscle fiber recruitment pattern and the occurrence of the VO_2 slow component (VO_2SC) by the analysis of VO_2 off-transient kinetics. Two healthy male volunteers performed two different pedal rates (60 rpm vs 110 rpm) cycling exercise during six minute and after that took recoveries for ten minutes. The work rate during exercise was set at equal to VO_2 at ventilation threshold (VT) plus VO_2 of 50% of the difference between VT and VO_2peak. During exercise and recovery, pulmonary gas exchange parameters were measured breath-by-breath and computer non-linear regression analyses were used to fit the VO_2 on- and off-transient kinetics. A two-exponential model described the VO_2 on-transient, but VO_2 off-transient was analyzed using both mono- and double- exponential models. There was no difference in the occurrence of VO_2SC between 60 rpm and 110 rpm cycling exercises. A mono-exponential analysis model for VO_2 off-transient provided the same fitting level compared with double- exponential model. Furthermore, VO_2 off-transient kinetics after different pedal rates cycling exercise were similar, especially time constants of primary phase. These data indicate that it is not necessarily to use a higher order non-linear regression in order to analysis of VO_2 off-transient after heavy intensity exercise and suggest that it is difficult to investigate the relationship between muscle fiber recruitment pattern and occurrence of VO_2SC by using the analysis of VO_2 off-transient kinetics.
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