Orally Administered Ginseng Extract Stimulates Liver Regeneration inPartially Hepatectomized Rats
- Plasma Indocyanine Green Disappearance Induced by ElectricalStimulation of the Hepatic Vagal Branch in Rats
- An Interaction Between ras-p21 and nm23 Influencing the ClinicalCourse of Gastric Carcinoma
- Selective Increments of Superior Mesenteric Artery Blood Flow byDopamine Administration in the Pig
- Suppression of Liver Blood Flow by Carbon Dioxide Pneumoperitoneumcan be Improved by Prostaglandin E_1 in Pigs
- Platelet and Cholesterol Responses Caused by Oral Administration ofGinseng Extract in 66% Hepatectomized Rats
- Liver Circulatory Response Caused by Prostaglandin E_1 in 90 PercentHepatectomized Rats
- Orally Administered Ginseng Extract Stimulates Liver Regeneration inPartially Hepatectomized Rats