視野の自動変化による造形表現 : プリミティブなアニメーション
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The act that a human being sees things can exist by the relations of the applicable thing at the side seen with the human being at the side to see. Then, "The visual image" is the sensory figure which occurs by the specification of the view which these mutual relations are tied to by the point of view. But, view is shifted due to the movement of the point of view of the person who sees it because it can exist by the relations of the object seen with the human being who sees it, and a phenomenon which makes a figure change by the applicable thing itself that it is reflected to the view from the point of view of the person who was fixed with the case that it becomes specification and who sees it working and to specify can be thought about the act that a human being sees things. So, it didn't move it by this thesis through the point of view, but therefore it did research about the art work which made "The visual image" which it was reflected to in the view change to move a work itself.
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