岐阜地域に於けるアパレル産業の活性化と大学の地域貢献 : ファッションショー「GIFUを着る」の実施を通して
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This paper reports the result of the fashion show "GIFU wo kiru", from the viewpoints of the activation of apparel industry and the contribution to the regional community by university. We set targets for this fashion show as follows;1. Giving this project the status of the collaboration between industry, government and academic, and the practical attempts as the contribution to the regional community by public college.2. Improving understandings of apparel industries by both college and students who have a hope to get a job in such industries.3. Supporting student's independence and positivity through planning and managing the fashion show by students themselves.The construction of this paper is as the following. This paper is contribution for the GIFUarea by university through the fashion show "GIFU wo kiru"The construction of this thesis is as the following. The constructionPrologueI Research backgroundII Plan ・Preparation・ExecutionIII Result・ConsiderationEpilogue
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