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Problems prevailing among children such as bullying at school, dysfunctional classes, impulsive behaviors, and juvenile crimes suggest the lack of children's social development. Lack of self-control ability and pro-social attitudes/behaviors in particular seem to be related to those problems. To develop children's socially appropriate attitudes/behaviors is one of the purposes of education in school. Based on the Reichwein' s educational philosophy (1937) and the theory of children's development of self-control (Kashiwagi, 1983), a special curriculum was developed and implemented through a year in a class of 5thgraders. The characteristic of the curriculum was closely connecting three subjects of moral education, the integrated course, and extracurricular activities for the purpose of promoting the children's pro-social attitudes/behaviors and self-control abilities by solidly establishing their internal moral standards. This educational practice based on ths special curriculum was evaluated by longitudinally assessing the target children' s pro-social attitudes and self-control abilitiesand also by comparing them with those of the control group. The results indicated the effectiveness of this practice. An importance of curriculum development for the moral education class, the integrated course, and extracurricular activities was discussed.
- 秋田大学の論文
桂田 恵美子
澤井 セイ子
澤井 セイ子
澤井 セイ子
桂田 恵美子
櫻谷 明美
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