中国人母親の育児不安と幼稚園機能に対する認識 : 「寄宿制」と「全日制」幼稚園児の母親の比較
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This study explored mothers' parenting anxiety and how mothers perceived the function of preschool in contemporary China. We conducted semi-structured interviews for Chinese mothers who had a preschooler. All of them were working mothers who sent their children to the same preschool, but half of them chose a boarding-type of service (boarding group, n=10) and another half chose regular service (regular group, n=10). The interview results showed similarities and differences between the two groups. There were more self-employed parents and more children who had experienced "JiYang" (childcare in others'house separated from the biological parents) in the boarding group than in the regular group. In the regular group, more fathers had a college degree, and mothers tended to depend solely on maternal grandmothers for parenting support. The mothers in both groups had parenting anxiety that was mainly related to family-work conflict, and perceived the preschool positively for the child's personality and social development. However, only the mothers in boarding group reported their own physical improvement and better relationship with their husbands and children after sending their children to preschool. The future direction of parenting support in China was discussed.
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