大気汚染物質と気象要因の検討 : 1996年度における神奈川県相模原市と海老名市の比較について
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Modern air pollution problem is developing in cities as satellite towns. It is important for environ-mental administration to find ways to cooperate with local residents, and it is necessary to provide easily understood visual expression and to utilize it to give environmental information to the population. It is the purpose of this study to examine the relationship between air pollutants and weather factors in Sagamihara in 1996, and make a comparison with the results of a survey at Ebina. And the following conclusions were obtained: 1. Compared to air pollution conditions in two cities under visual expression, each pollutant is shown with its characteristic seasonal variation. Also there is seen a similar variation in the moving average method (three months) to grasp the trend. 2. In the correlation analysis, it is shown that variations in SO_2-NO_2 and Ox-NMHC in Ebina are different from those in Sagamihara, and it is clear that there is different relationship in the NO/NO_2/O_X/SPM/NMHC density between the two stations and a different relationship each month. 3. As to weather factors, it is supposed that differences in measurements and distribution of frequencies are affected by the local surroundings.
- 麻布大学の論文
光崎 龍子
麻布大学 環境保健学部
桐生 崇
麻布大学 環境保健学部
桐生 崇
College of Environmental Health, Azabu University
光崎 龍子
College of Environmental Health, Azabu University
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