神奈川県大和市の市街地形勢の社会科学的検討 : I.時間・地理分布による視点
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The population influx into city areas in Japan during the high growth of the Japanese economy noticeably affected the regional population. In contract to the increase in the urban population, the rural population greatly decreased, and an unequal distribution of population rapidly increased, causing various economical and social distortions. This trend decreased once after 1970 but began to increase again in 1980. Since an increase in city population itself continued, and the population scale in the entire city area increased, many satellite cities were born in the suburbs of cities. Yamato City, Kanagawa Prefecture (Yamato City hereafter) illustrating this phenomenon, is located 30-40 km from Tokyo, the biggest city. Geographically, this area is a low land plateau, suitable for development. In terms of transportation, and is very close to Tokyo. Because of these advantages, Yamato City rapidly developed as a satellite city. To clarify the course of city area formation between 1920 and 1989, we evaluated the state of the population land use in Yamato City according to chronological geographical distribution. According to chronological distribution, there was no population movement between 1920 and 1940. The population rapidly increased between 1957 and 1974 and became stable after 1980. Concerning population composition, the percentage of females increased for 49 years from 1952, but that of males increased after 1964. The number of adults has noticeably increased since World War II. The influx reached a peak in 1974 and the efflux reached a peak in 1979. In 1921, there were paddy fields and communities around Sakai River and Hikiji River, large communities along roads, and mulberry fields in the other areas. In 1927 and 1929, railroad lines and stations were constructed. After World War II, the state of land use changed, and land rezoning was conducted with improvement in railroads and roads, and the number of mulberry fields rapidly decreased and the land was used for housing. Thus, Yamato City was already a city area close to Tokyo in 1920 and grew as a satellite city by constructing railroads and roads due to population movements resulting from changes in the social situation after World War II, which rapidly reduced the area of rich green lands such as paddy fields, fields and farms.
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