青年期の食生活と健康に関する研究 : 低血圧傾向と生活要因との関連(佐賀短期大学)
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It is said that the younger generation shows higher ratio of contracting hypotension rather than other generations. We carried out an investigation into the low blood pressure problems among 367 female students of our college, because female complains more symptoms which caused hypotension than that of male. Regarding low blood pressure disease, we categorized as hypotension syndrome which indicate under lOOmmHg at the time of contractile blood pressure. And also we implemented comparative search these girl students with normal pressure group. The ratio of hypotension tendency of these young female students showed 16.8%. And relating to the dietary intake condition, low blood pressure group showed higher figures on the intake of fruits, sugary beverages and pickles. Relating to the daily way of life, group of none exercise showed higher figures on the low blood pressure syndrome. The relevance between blood pressure and daily life, fats and oils have positive correlation-coefficient, and sugary beverages, pickles, exercise have negative ones. The conclusion of the aforementioned search indicates that to get the exercise into the daily habit is the best way of the prevention for the hypotension disease.
- 西九州大学の論文
- 2004-03-01
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