Panoramic Measurement and Analysis of Strain Distribution in the Human ACL Using a Photoelastic Coating Method(Proceedings of the Switzerland-Japan Workshop on New Directions in Cellular and Tissue Biomechanics)(Special Issue on Bioengineering)
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Large and highly variable deformations of the ACL cannot be adequately quantified by one-dimensional and/or localized measurements. Since the complex anatomy of the ACL makes uniform loading of all fiber bundles almost impossible, strains on specific portions being tested are considerably altered during knee movement. To observe the ACL's entire surface, we propose a photoelastic coating method. A simulator jig was used to allow a natural motion of the knee whose medial and lateral femoral bone parts were removed in order to expose the ACL for observation. The simulator jig with the knee was mounted on a universal stand which allows tilt and swivel rotations, so that the exposed ACL might be viewed from any direction. Measurements were performed on the strain distributions over the ACL at various knee angles. The panoramic images of the photoelastic. fringe patterns yielded significant results. Special attention was paid for insight into the relation between strain distribution and the directions of fiber run.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2002-12-15
廣井 俊二
九州大学大学院 工学研究院機械工学部門
廣川 俊二
Hirokawa Shunji
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kyushu University
広川 俊二
Kawada Takashi
Department Of Orthpaedic Surgery Faculty Of Medicine Kurume University
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kurume Institute of Technology
Hirokawa Shunji
Department Of Graphic Science Faculty Of Engineering Kyushu University
Yamamoto Kouji
Department Of Information Sciences Faculty Of Science And Technology Tokyo University Of Science
Yamamoto Kouji
Department Of Mechanical Engineering Kurume Institute Of Technology
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